Friday FIKA with Rebecca Randhawa!

Meet Rebecca Randhawa!
On Friday (12) Jonas will have the pleasure to talk to the Swedish journalist Rebecca Randhawa.
Rebecca is currently presenter at the Swedish TV program “Utrikesbyrån” and you might have seen her as the news anchor in Rapport, Aktuellt or SVT Agenda. The road to these assignments has gone through such different places as Norrköping, Rinkeby, Madrid, São Paulo and Umeå. In 2012 Rebecca was an exchange student in São Paulo, a period when she also assisted Swedcham in launching the Young Professionals network, but it all started in Stockholm, where Rebecca grew up in Akalla and Kista with her sister, mother from Skellefteå and father from Punjab in India.
The inspiring Fika chat will be in English about Rebecca’s international life, her career and current job at Swedish Television.
If you live in São Paulo, click here and order your own traditional Swedish Fika!
Friday FIKA, live today at 10 am on Youtube!