
Neuro Magic – Personal Growth – Business Performance – Desmistificando!

Um dos nossos palestrantes de sucesso em 2020 voltou – Rufus Wiena!

Neuro Magic – Personal Growth – Business Performance – Desmistificando!   

Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku said, “The human brain has 100 billion neurons, each neuron connected to 10,000 other neurons. Sitting on your shoulders is the most complicated object in the known universe.”

With Rufus’ background as an Elite Cross Country Runner from Sweden, who makes sure to keep his mental and physical strength on top of the military’s “special forces level” –he is the person you need in order to make your leaders and their teams perform at their very best. He always makes sure his work is on top of the game and matches the very top-leading experts in the world when it comes to neuroscience, business transformation, personal growth, and development, like Daniel Kahneman, Jim Kwik, Wim Hoff, Matthew Walker, Tony Robbins, and many others.

Depois de alguns poucos meses morando no Brasil, Rufus já fala a língua muito bem.

O webinar será principalmente em português!  

Rufus Wiena is now living in Rio deJaneiro, aiming to become a “professional futevolei player” but also eager to integrate his different talents, knowledge, and services as a Brain Optimizer, Speaker and Neuromagician, and to open up a new branch for his unique style of work in Brazil and LATAM.






” As an engineer and general analytical thinker & skeptic, I’m generally not easily impressed — but I was impressed by Rufus. He’s created a new model of “neuromagic” that is both entertaining and relevant for business & leadership development.”
— Jeff Huber, former SVP at Google


Quarta-feira, 19 de maio, às 14h00

RSVP até 19 de maio

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O link de acesso para o webinar será enviado antes do
evento para todos que confirmarem sua participação.