
Working with ESG in Brazil – The Nordic Experience and Learnings


Mai Tonheim is Consul/Deputy head of mission at Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro.
Her main responsibilities are business promotion and supporting Norwegian investments in Brazil. 

Bruno Brandão is an economist from the Federal University of Minas Gerais, Master in Public Management from the University of York and in International Relations from Barcelona Institute of International Studies (Spain). He has worked for Transparency International  for over ten years, having experience in the organization’s Secretariat in Germany, coordinating the Climate Financing Integrity Program in Mexico and, since 2016, he has been the executive director of the organization’s Brazilian chapter.

Jorge Camargo is Vice-President of the Board of Trustees of the Brazilian Center for International Relations (CEBRI) and coordinator of the institution’s Energy Program. He is also a member of the Boards of Directors of the Ultrapar, Prumo Logística Global and Açu Petróleo Groups. He presided over the Brazilian Oil and Gas Institute (IBP) and is currently an independent member of its Board of Directors. He has held executive positions at a number of O&G companies, including Equinor, initially as Senior Vice President in Norway and, after, as Chair of the company in Brazil.

Juliana G. Meyer Gottardi is Honorary Consul General of Norway in São Paulo, Brazil; Legal Director of the Swedish Chamber of Commerce Brazil; Founding Partner of Pacheco Neto Sanden Teisseire (“PNST”) law firm that represents some Nordic groups in Brazil; Chairwoman of the ONG Rede Cultural Beija Flor and also Board member of NBCC.

João Zeni is Sustainability Director for Electrolux Latin America. leading in form transversal theme in the company, João is at the forefront the development and implementation of the strategy of sustainability of the company for Latin America, aligned with the Group’s strategy and due local regulations, as well as demands for businesses and projects to increase efficiency and company reputation in this field.

Carlos Rocha is Graduated in Mechanical Engineering from UFRJ, with Specialization in Maintenance Management and Manufacture by Poli/USP. He has been working in the maritime sector for 25 years, in the areas of fleet management, inspection and construction of new vessels.
He joined the Maersk Group in 2006 and is now the Technical Director of Frota da Aliança, a Brazilian cabotage part of the A.P. Moller – Maersk.

Flávia Vieira is HR & HSE South AME Director  at Valmet . She has a bachelor degree in Psychology, with specialization in Business Strategy, M&A at INSEAD/France, and Human Resources MBA at FIA/USP. Professional with more than 20 years of HR related experience acquired in management of Latin American countries, having worked in a variety of industries in chemical, pharmaceutical and metallurgical and jobs in Change Management, Strategies, Merger & Acquisition, Diversity, Engagement and Talent.

Deise Dalla Nora is Food Solution Innovation Director at Yara Brasil, a strategic area focused on creating value for a sustainable food chain, through initiatives such as circular economy in the biomethane route, generation of carbon credits, regenerative agriculture, among others, preparing the company to meet current and future market trends. At Yara for almost four years, Deise also leads innovation projects in Latin America, acting as head of business development for the newly created ag-tech Varda and she has also contributed to the Digital Farming segment structuring.